Whether you are already involved in service, looking for opportunities to serve your Fellowship, or just interested in knowing how your fellowship accomplishes its mission, this section of the website provides a resource that C.A. members may find helpful and informative.
If you have any questions regarding our service structure please review the information outlined in our fellowships ‘World Service Manual’ and other service materials [link to service lit page] available on this site. You can also contact your local District or Area Service Committee. Alternatively you can also contact your Regional Trustee or World Service Board of Trustees by emailing wsbt@ca.org.
From the World Service Manual:
“Cocaine Anonymous is not organized in the formal or political sense. There are no governing officers, no rules or regulations, no dues or fees. While we are guided by the Twelve Traditions of Cocaine Anonymous, each group is generally free to conduct its business as it sees fit, as stated in Tradition 4: ‘Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or C.A. as a whole.’
“However, the need for services to addicts throughout the world is very important to the Fellowship. Inquiries from both within and outside the Fellowship have to be answered. Literature has to be written, printed and distributed, and requests for help be followed up. The main service body of the Fellowship is C.A. World Services, which is centered at the World Service Office in Los Angeles, California. Here employees and service volunteers maintain communications with local Groups and with persons outside the Fellowship who turn to C.A. for information on the program of recovery. C.A. Conference-approved literature and chips are prepared, published and distributed through this office.
The Service Structure of C.A.
“The World Service Office, through its Board of Directors, is responsible to the World Service Board of Trustees. The Trustees, who serve as custodians of the Traditions of Cocaine Anonymous, as well as interpreters of policies affecting C.A. as a whole, in turn are responsible to the World Service Conference.
“The World Service Conference meets annually to unify the Fellowship and consider those actions which affect the Fellowship as a whole. Comprised of Delegates from all the recognized Areas of C.A., as well as the Trustees and the World Service Office Board, the Conference considers how best to carry the message of recovery from addiction to those outside, as well as inside, the meeting rooms of Cocaine Anonymous. Committees of the Conference cover various areas that affect carrying that message of recovery: Literature, Hospitals and Institutions, Public Information, Convention (responsible for the annual World Service Convention), and Unity. Other Committees address the internal functions of the Fellowship: Conference, Finance, and Structure & Bylaws.
“All of the service structure of C.A. is based on our 9th Tradition: “C.A. as such ought never be organized, but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.’”
- The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
- Service Document Downloads
- Groups
- Districts
- Areas
- Regions
- World Service Conference
- WSC Archive Committee
- WSC Conference Committee
- WSC Convention Committee
- WSC Finance Committee
- WSC Hospitals and Institutions Committee (H&I)
- WSC Information Technology (IT) Committee
- WSC Literature, Chips & Formats (LCF) Committee
- WSC Public Information (PI) Committee
- WSC Structure & Bylaws Committee
- Unity Committee
- World Service Board of Trustees (WSBT)
- World Service Office (WSO)
- Cocaine Anonymous NewsGram