Finding a Meeting, Local Areas, Phones and Links
Download the C.A. Meeting App
iphone App Store link:
Android – Google Play link:
This web site provides contact information and links to local C.A. web sites where you can find C.A. meetings or talk to a C.A. member.
Below you will find phone numbers for local areas of Cocaine Anonymous, as well as links to their web sites. Call those numbers or visit those web sites to find out more about C.A. in your area, and for information about meeting days, times and locations.
Local areas of Cocaine Anonymous maintain up-to-date information about meetings in their communities. To make certain you have the most accurate information possible, therefore, we encourage you to call a local area, or visit their website (when they have one).
You can also download and print this list: click here for the InfoLines pamphlet in PDF format. (Please note: The InfoLines pamphlet is updated several times each year, whereas this web site is updated continuously. Therefore, if you note any discrepancies between the pamphlet file and this web site, use the web site numbers. The next edition of the pamphlet will reflect the updates.)
If you are a Trusted Servant for your District/Area, and need to add/update your District/Area’s information, please click here.
2025_Meeting_Formats_English 2024_WSC_Approved
Download H & I Meeting Format
Yes, You Can Start a C.A. Meeting
Request a C.A. meeting starter kit
- Malaysia
- Malta
- United Arab Emirates
- Online Meetings
- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- Argentina
- Australia
- Barbados
- Denmark
- Dominican Republic
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hong Kong
- Iceland
- Indonesia
- Mexico
- Monaco
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Peru
- Poland
- Portugal
- Russia
- Spain
- South Africa
- Sweden
- Suriname
- Switzerland
- Thailand